海峽兩岸暨港澳醫學會創新合作論壇於 2022年12月3-4 日線上舉辦。本論壇由中華醫學會聯合香港中華醫學會有限公司、香港醫學會、澳門中華醫學會、中華華夏醫師協會主辦,論壇旨在加強海峽兩岸、港澳醫學社團間、專家之間交流聯繫機制和工作機制,務實開展在各專科領域的學術交流與合作。
本次論壇在新冠肺炎疫情常態化的大背景下,分為聚焦醫學會間防疫實踐交流的主論壇,又涵蓋了與主題密切相 關的檢驗醫學、呼吸病學和公共衛生三個學術分論壇。
Title: The role of a medical association in the combat against COVID-19 : What has HKCMA done?
Speaker: Dr CHAN Chun Kwong Jane, President of HKCMA
Title: Immune escape of novel COVID-19 variants – Implications for the public
Speaker: TAN Qi, Senior Research Assistant
譚棋在香港浸會大學計算機系獲得博士學位。研究興趣包括人工智能,機器學習以及復雜網絡。在TNNLS, AAAI 和China CDC Weekly 等期刊上發表十餘篇文章。 現於香港大學公共衛生學院擔任助理研究員,主要從事計算傳染病學研究。
Title: Immune escape of novel COVID-19 variants – Implications for the public
Speaker: Kelvin TO, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
The Omicron variant has become the dominant SARS-CoV-2 viral lineage globally in 2022. Due to the numerous mutations in the spike protein, the Omicron variant was able to evade from neutralizing antibodies that were elicited from prior vaccination or infection. As a result, the Omicron variant was associated with a poorer vaccine efficacy and higher reinfection rate. In Hong Kong, the Omicron variant caused the severe fifth wave in early 2022, and our serosurveillance has revealed the lack of population immunity against the Omicron variant before this outbreak. In this talk, I will discuss about our COVID-19 serosurveillance studies. In particular, I will explore how we use serosurveillance data to predict the severity of upcoming COVID-19 waves.